Friday, January 30, 2015

Finding Color After the Blizzard

I went to Bailey Arboretum after the Blizzard while the world was very quiet, very peaceful, and very white. Had to find some color...Only took one lens, unfortunately. I could have used my macro and my new supersonic zoom...

I spent time shooting the trees and benches all covered in snow just because...and then saw these bushes.  I love the color combination of chocolate brown and cherry red.

After flailing around in the snow for this shot, I started heading toward the frozen pond and was stopped in my tracks by a beautiful, chubby owl. He was flying across the path in front of me toward a branch in a far tree. Just had to stand there and enjoy him or her. He was too far for my lens, and I didn't want to startle him. He was definitely a bit twitchy that I was there. I had heard hooting while I was shooting earlier, but didn't think anything of it as I have NEVER actually seen an owl there despite my best efforts. He finally flew away, and I continued to walk toward the pond entirely frustrated that I didn't have my zoom. 

And then I saw Lady Cardinal and although she was too far, too, I knew she would be a little more tolerant of my presence. I had to crop way in to show this, but she is a tiny glimmer of wonderful color. She was staring straight at me from her branch-framed perch. She may be small, but she has a mighty presence. Don't you think?

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