Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jingle bells or Tiaras?

 What is this thing?

Oh yeah...that's better.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Keep an eye out...

for new posts the EASY way!!

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It is very simple and only a couple of clicks. Check it out. Isn't technology wonderful?

PS Coco's golden eye

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dancing Snow Leopard

You would be amazed at what happens at the zoo when the other visitors leave, and the place is really quiet. You might meet a dancing snow leopard instead of a shy one. Shsh, be very quiet...

And when he comes out this time just start talking to him very softly.
He may stop and stare right at you...

And then forget about pacing back and forth behind the bushes.
I wonder what else he hears...or sees...

Thanks for the dance!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011


So much better than brick-n-mortar, don't you think?

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Beautiful Bovine

I mean, really, who says asymmetry can't be lovely? No-body's perfect. Isn't she sweet?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

What time is it?

Introducing Joseph, Teddy, and Biscuit!

There's a time to sit...

 And a time to stand...

A time to run...

A time to laugh and play...

And, of course, a time to fly...

Many thanks to Mary Beth for this trio of PERFECT models!! It was a wonderful morning; when the time quite literally flew by...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lake Squirrels

Once upon a time it was a beautiful sunny day 
at a lake in the Adirondacks.
 A perfect day to go fishin'...
for dinner...
Everyone has a right to eat...
Is that a red squirrel swimming in the MIDDLE of the lake?

Look at that! That eagle has seen it too!
Whoa!!! Holy Cow!! What's that???
So much for dinner...
It's never a bad day in heaven...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcoming This Season With Pure Joy

A wonderful Thanksgiving was had by all! Daisy and her friend Tully enjoyed their "walk" on the golf course! It is definitely NOT easy to get a shot of both of them running at top speed toward the camera.

 Apparently Daisy has recovered from the seizure she had two weeks ago. And that is something we are clearly both thankful for.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dress Up With A Little Wild Turkey

 Check out this wild turkey. He was crossing the road in Cold Spring Harbor and trying to stir up some action with his ladies...

He was all puffed up in his finery...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Glorious Trees, Glorious Color

Kousa Dogwoods in my backyard.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Barclay's Favorite Things

This is Barclay. He is the most beautiful Field Bred English Cocker Spaniel. He, like any of us, has his favorite things...Whether you are a human or an animal, you deserve your very own wooby or better yet, your very own collection of woobies.

So here are some of Barclay's...

The Fish...I mean who couldn't love this soft, squishy thing with some strings attached????

And then there is "Wilson"...Everbody has to have at least one of these. Sheer bliss!! It is really fun to carry around!! But make sure you keep your eye on it at ALL TIMES!! It tends to be...

a bit wild...

Actually, quiet unpredictable and loads of fun!


But when all is said and done, it appears that Barclay's all-time favorite is his mom, his human one that is. She was seated next to Barclay talking to him. They are facing each other eye to eye here. Look at his expression. He is totally enamored...  

So what are YOUR favorite things?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Have you ever seen a green, frilly urchin in the woods?

Happy Halloween!

I saw this fairy costume and could not resist it. Daisy doesn't seem to notice it...she rolls around on the ground, runs, jumps, and sniffs to her heart's content despite the wings...actually maybe the wings give her an extra kick! She's a natural, don't you think?

Anybody else have a happy costume?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Polka Dots and Sunshine

Yesterday's snow, sleet, and rain seem like a long time ago. What a beautiful day...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Same View, Different Perspective

I shot these two images while I was up in the Adirondacks near Heart Lake. I posted them in separate posts, but I really should have put them together in one. They are the same scenes, but from very different perspectives.

From our perspective

Same view but from a spider's perspective

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Calming the Savage Beast

Introducing Zoey. I have to admit that I approached this little Maltese, normally a jumping, barking shaggy mop, with some concern. Would I be able to capture a good shot of her. Heck, forget trying for a good shot. How about any shot? She normally takes one look at me and starts howling and leaping until someone, anyone, stops what they are doing and rubs her stomach. She's relentless.

Turns out she becomes a total diva in front of the camera...posing away and utterly calm and quiet...and focused on only one thing: my camera lens. Thank goodness for big lenses...and dual personalities!! Thanks Zoey! You look mar-va-less!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Buddha Kitty

Her name is Kitty. I took this shot to surprise her owner, a friend of mine. She is so serene, her nickname is Buddha Kitty...but maybe we are wrong about her "religion." Look at her halo; she is the sweetest, calmest angel there ever was.