This is Barclay. He is the most beautiful Field Bred English Cocker Spaniel. He, like any of us, has his favorite things...Whether you are a human or an animal, you deserve your very own wooby or better yet, your very own collection of woobies.
So here are some of Barclay's...
The Fish...I mean who couldn't love this soft, squishy thing with some strings attached???? |
And then there is "Wilson"...Everbody has to have at least one of these. Sheer bliss!! It is really fun to carry around!! But make sure you keep your eye on
it at ALL TIMES!! It tends to be... |
a bit wild...
Actually, quiet unpredictable and loads of fun!
But when all is said and done, it appears that Barclay's all-time favorite is his mom, his human one that is. She was seated next to Barclay
talking to him. They are facing each other eye to eye here. Look at his expression. He is totally enamored...
So what are YOUR favorite things?