Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day from the Artic

Okay, I know. My Mom is wacked. Do I look ridiculous? I know it is only 5 degrees and windy out here, and it's really hard to sniff anything good, and I do have a serious heart condition...but do I really have to wear my fleece hoodie AND my down jacket? It's hard to move, and I can't even button the thing. Do you think the birds and squirrels notice?

She did say something about Valentine treats though. Hmmmm...t-r-e-a-t-s...Treats...TREATS!! Where are they? Can't smell any here, so they must be inside!! If only I could move a wee bit faster in this getup!

Valentine's Day is actually good for something!! It sure makes dealing with the arctic blast a whole bunch better. See you inside.

Monday, February 1, 2016


It all started with a family walk in a favorite place.

An invitation to play...

...hang out... 



 ...and be together.

Thank you Kim. Your family is beautiful inside and out!