Monday, January 25, 2016

Orchid Zen

Orchids are so zen. Even the stem has a zen-esqueness about it.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

World of White

Supposedly a blizzard is heading our way this weekend, but I really don't mind being surrounded by white....peaceful, isn't it?

Monday, January 18, 2016


I am a little itty-bitty screech owl. I usually have a lot to say...and well, why wouldn't I? I mean...just look at me!  Hey wait a minute, Hoo are all of these people staring at me?

Seriously, don't mind my stutter, but Hoo-Hoo are you?

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Family Tree

Many thanks to Lee for a truly memorable family shoot. Your family is amazing!! The primary reason for the shoot was to photograph the women in the family...create a women's generational portrait in a favorite setting, which in this case was Shelburne Farms in Vermont. 

It was a bit challenging before the shoot even started. About 50 feet from the entrance to Shelburne Farms, I hit a fawn, a seriously cute "Bambi" with spots and all. If anyone knows me, you know that even thinking about harming an animal kills me. Fortunately, Bambi bounded back up almost immediately and flew across the road into the woods, followed closely by its very large mother. 

And then it started to rain. Due to scheduling issues, we only had that afternoon to shoot, so we waited it out. Everyone was incredibly patient. But who would have a problem hanging out in that spectacular location? And then the rain moved west toward the Adirondack mountains.

It was still raining on Lake Champlain, but the light was sublime.

 And everyone was game to try different shots.

 Each person was completely comfortable in front of the camera...

...all in all--a perfect recipe for expressions that are priceless and captured forever.

Thank you. It was a dream shoot despite Bambi and the rain. You have a uniquely wonderful family tree.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Nature's Bobbins

Late last summer in the Adirondacks--driving around Essex county shooting with Phyllie.  

They might look like nature's big bobbins, but it was clearly too hot to "sow"...Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Wishing you...

...a rosy new year where you can say, "Everything's coming up roses!!"

I photographed this rose on November 17th. It is part of an extraordinary rose garden of 70 plants. The garden was still gorgeous, which is no surprise because the owner always puts a lot of TLC into it. On behalf of anyone who visits your garden, Lisa, thank you.

So what will you put your heart and soul into this year?