Friday, May 24, 2013

Growing Old Gracefully

I know these flowers are "past their prime," but don't you think they are still really beautiful? I have no idea what they are... Any ideas?

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Star is Born

...Even in the weeds...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Death-Defying FEET

Cute little hands/feet and pose...and then I watched him scamper up a tree and...
...dive off the branch head first and down the long wire straight to the bottom hole where he stopped, gripping the the feeder with all of his feet.
Notice that the BIRD feeder is almost empty...I wonder why...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

What is SO WRONG with this Picture?

What I woke up to this morning. So much for trying to feed the birds...Look at his stomach. It is getting so big he has to rest his arms on it!! The thing is he "sat" for me for quite some time. I think he likes my camera...this is his good side.

This is usually how I see squirrels...At least he gave me SOME respect and ran off!!

Of course, now I am going to have to name him...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Looking Down in order to Look Up

I have been in the dirt again...Couldn't resist this one.  

I was in my hot tub this morning (!) and saw a squirrel way up in a tall tree. He was just hanging out eating leaves and looked perfectly picturesque. I decided that I had to try so I ran back inside for my camera. Of course by the time I returned, he had found something else to do. 

And then I looked down and found this lovely fluffy thing, otherwise known as a dandelion. In order to evaluate the situation, I had to get down in the dirt, which made me want to get even lower. And then of course, from there I had to look up again.