Monday, January 23, 2017

New Home for Blog

Hi everyone.

After a long hiatus from blogging, I am very excited to tell you that Green Cat's blog has moved to:

If you have received this in an email, you will continue to receive emails as you have done in the past when I update the blog with a new post. (Tomorrow the first email will go out from the new blog location!)

If you would like to start receiving emails announcing new posts, please sign up at the above (new) blog address, not here. Thank you!

Happy 2017!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dogwood Flower

I think this is a Kousa Dogwood. Dogwoods are my all-time favorite trees. Just learned that the "flower" is the yellow center...the white "petals" are actually leaves.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Calm After the Storm

I woke up in the middle of the night last night to a great storm with crazy wind and thunder--lots of crashing and thrashing going on outside...and then this morning was as peaceful as can be. Isn't nature wonderful? This is one of my new tulips, Tulipa Spring Green, that I planted last fall. Bought the bulbs at the Bailey Arboretum Bulb Sale.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Nature's Topiaries

There is something so grand about palm trees...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Seaweed, glorious seaweed. All different kinds. Check out how my food matches the color of my legs.
A large breadcrumb is delicious long as you can hang on to it long enough to eat it!
Or just gorge on a pile of this stuff. This resort sure does satisfy all of my cravings!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Recipe for Getting the Glow

Ingredients:  afternoon light bouncing off the walls, tunes crankin' and the warmth of an old comfy sweater...

All ingredients for a rockin' fun shoot and portraits a-glow! Thank you Sue!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day from the Artic

Okay, I know. My Mom is wacked. Do I look ridiculous? I know it is only 5 degrees and windy out here, and it's really hard to sniff anything good, and I do have a serious heart condition...but do I really have to wear my fleece hoodie AND my down jacket? It's hard to move, and I can't even button the thing. Do you think the birds and squirrels notice?

She did say something about Valentine treats though. Hmmmm...t-r-e-a-t-s...Treats...TREATS!! Where are they? Can't smell any here, so they must be inside!! If only I could move a wee bit faster in this getup!

Valentine's Day is actually good for something!! It sure makes dealing with the arctic blast a whole bunch better. See you inside.

Monday, February 1, 2016


It all started with a family walk in a favorite place.

An invitation to play...

...hang out... 



 ...and be together.

Thank you Kim. Your family is beautiful inside and out!